Friday, April 17, 2015

New Australian Films Recommended by Non-Profit Societies

Despite the large number of Hollywood movies released each year and the impressive box office receipts great low-budget productions, many film fans have expressed disappointment at the lack of independent films that have cultural and artistic value. As standards of American cinema seems to fall with each new release blockbuster is for foreign and independent films to provide quality and gives movie fans an alternative to doubt the refreshing entertainment. Even though they are harder to find, and not take advantage of promotional activities, can be accessed through exhibitions in the community and local cultural events. Australia offers many opportunities for those who want to see a movie in society and, in recent years, it has given many titles that are worthy of recognition. 2013 is an exciting year for the analysis in terms of film, especially because this year it generated $ 37.5 million only 10 million less than the previous year. This decrease in cash shows that 2013 was a year when Australian filmmakers focused on the preferred niche production by only a small portion of moviegoers. Of $ 37.5 million, of which $ 28 million was obtained by The Great Gatsby alone, which, although not many people know, is not an American production of Australia. The remaining $ 9.5 million was obtained by the new Australian films goddess and turning, with familiar characters like Laura Michele Kelly, ate Blanchett, Rose Byrne and Hugo Weaving.

There are more than 100 theater and Australia are the ideal place to see the exhibits in the community, keep pace with the new Australian films and the very best cultural productions. There are different opinions about the best films released so far, but productions like The Rocket 100 Bloody Acres of great value. In addition, the documentary is a girl also met many positive reviews. These securities may not be seen in theaters, but is certainly available for exhibitions in the community, so that Australians who are interested in local films should go with a film company where they can learn more about the world of artistic productions. For 2014, there are probably several reasons for hope. After the box office as reported in 2013, the filmmakers really wanted to make a change and offer some productions with potential blockbuster, I, Frankenstein. But art films still more preferably small budget. For example, songs with Mia Wasikowska and Adam Driver received positive feedback direct performance and players like Josh Hartnett and Alice Englert for Singularity film.

Apart from these productions, there are also many other titles that have been included in festivals and film lovers can expect international films. If you live in a small town, or can not find a list at your local cinema, you can always join a community of film and film screenings take niche. There are hundreds of these companies in Australia and you can always find one that suits your movie preferences.

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