Thursday, April 16, 2015

How To Produce a Professional News Package

Creating a great and shocking new package is a set of skills that develop over time. Some journalists often learn the hard way in the preparation and better plan the allocation. But to take advantage of some proven tips can make even novice journalist like a pro.

The first tip for any journalist who wants to control their destiny is to develop credible sources of information. Reporters should have a lot of handy business cards at all times and get them out like candy, while the pace. Sounds simple, but effective. Reliable, abundant and credible news sources is the lifeblood of any beat reporter.

If you are consistent in establishing contacts and sources, two things can happen:
1) You will constantly develop good ideas in history.2) You may feel like a rock star in the newsroom.

Nothing frustrates producers and news managers rather than journalists presented at the meeting in the morning, no story ideas, looking like a deer in the headlights when you ask them to start what could go the day of newsletters news. For example, suppose you're right builds your information for new resources, will talk about some tips for producing a large press kit.

1) Preparation of packaging: Once you have established your idea of ​​the story and plan the field, determine whether there is any video file that you need before leaving the newsroom. This will save you a lot of trouble if you are on a deadline and must remain on the field to edit and go live. This way, you will also build credibility with editors return to the station. Then you need to have a conversation with your preparations characters photographer who wants to talk. This brief discussion should take place in the car or truck to live on their way to their first interview.

2) Signs and audio clips: As the practice should be soundbites "official" for most, if not all packets. Typically, this includes government officials, as well as public information officers, government officials and spokespersons certificate. It is a good idea to get these Road audio clips as soon as possible so that you can spend the time to get a good sound character. It is best if you can find people who are driven and has a natural ability to speak in rapid fragments. A good benchmark to fight for is that their sound documents must be woven together as an independent story without narration track.

3) Narration track: His narration track must be clear and precise with a minimum of words possible. Hold on tight track. Your tracks will act as the glue that weaves its your character bites together. A concise and clear the runway is key because the package should always be about the characters - not their own personal pontificating.

4) B-roll: His B-roll your Picasso. video content that you and your photographer shooting is just as important as how it is managed. Sometimes you end up with too creative photographers releases - so be careful not to get caught up in their hype as a director. Remember, you are in the time of the term management is critical to your success. That said, you want to ensure you get the "money shot."

5) Plot: Although it is likely to hold an initial preconceived story, remember, things can change quickly in the field. You must be flexible and let the story go where it goes. At the same time, it's not a good idea to put too many angles in one package. This confuses the viewer. Being concentrated in one direction and the message. If you have information that is relevant to another aspect of the story, consider boarding and let the producers use this information as part of your setup. The result is a win-win situation for all.

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