Saturday, April 18, 2015

Film Making - What You Need to Know Making You First Movie

So you have decided that you will create a film. You have this great story or concept for a movie. You have chosen to be in the style of a comedy. Are you ready to enter the camera and start to work with film. So lets have a look and get knowledge about film making what you need to making you first movie.

Wait a second.
Cameras and film technology to make a film within the reach of almost everyone today. Of course, you can take a camera and start making films. If you are serious about making a quality film can be shown in your local theater, it is necessary to note that between the idea and the release and distribution of a film are three different stages.

The first phase is the film pre-production or in the planning phase.
This is where you should expect to spend about one / third of the total time.It is where documents are created. Gather your crew, draw your storyboards and find and select locations. This is also where you choose, and use cast and crew, legal paperwork, budget and accounting creating leases and services.
The commitment of the team post-production editing and companies also reserve be set here. The success of the phase of "production" is in the manufacture of films depends on the effective planning here in pre-production. The production phase or filming is next. We are making films for real, right? Most aspiring filmmakers would believe. My thoughts are that is where most time is spent and where creativity happens. After all this is that the images obtained for his film.

There are emotions and make movies. The reality is that if you have been cautious in its "pre-planning" should expect to spend only about a sixth of their time here.
This is where the required material obtained sure to have re-shoot clips expected and necessary. It is also where the audio is captured.

What is the most expensive stage it is important that all goes well. All places, casting and resources should be created and made "pre-production". The shots, angles and also the vision should already be mapped into an array of history. It should be a matter of getting and receive the necessary vaccines "may".

The last post-production phase, or editing and trimming step.
This is where you expect to spend at least half of their total time and this is where the cinema is really happening. This is a very creative period. To view and save all TV stuff and add music recording and recording of voice and sound effects.

Depending on the type of film that's also where the animation is created and make the text illustrations. They will also change and mix images and audio tracks. Identify and add transitions and effects. Make color correction and creating copies of time to preview coded. You will see changes and re-edit until you're right. Finally, the master / sub-master created for distribution.

As you can see in the film is not just about taking a camera and shoot. Your steps may vary slightly upon interruption where each production is different. This is a guide to the average allocation cut-off time to wait. Finally, remember the heart of the professional film planning. It ensures that your movie works well and profitably.

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