Monday, April 13, 2015

Beginner's Guide to Filmmaking

As the life of a student on a budget this is my first name. As a non-core budget film is my name. I learned a lot about what works and what does not work when you have limited funds. I will talk about the basic equipment needed, and what is happening in the different production phases. If you have an interest in making movies or perhaps you are early in your trip to film school, here are some basics to start his journey film.

First, you need a camera and whether you are looking to professionally movies or home videos can be very expensive. Red Epic cameras and movie Black Magic is a bargain, with a pretty penny there. DSLRs are perfect for beginning filmmakers because they are cheap compared to the thousands of dollars spent dollars cinema cameras. You must choose a camera that shoots in 1080pi at 24 frames per second. To recommend finding a cheap Canon EOS Rebel T3i with a basic kit lens. A basic kit lens usually consists of a 18-55mm lens. Once you have purchased your camera is the time to invest in a lighting kit 3 points, which is its main light, fill light and back light. You also need to buy a sound, like a shotgun microphone that can be mounted on the mounting shoe is in most digital SLR cameras. You can not believe the light and sound are important to a movie, but it can make or break your film. Would you rather watch a movie with a good story, but you can not see the faces or actions of players and you can not hear what you say? Or rather watch a movie story is not the best, but enough light and sound. You should be able to see the actors and their actions clearly and you should be able to hear the instructions of the actor running. When you're ready to write your script begin treatment. Treatment helps conceptualize your idea from the beginning to the end. Once you've done that, you can start your script.

There are three stages of production: pre-production, production and post-production. Pre-production is crucial for any movie, as it can break without it. In pre-production workers are expressed, were explored and secure locations, costumes and sets are designed, and the shooting schedule is created. If a movie is a piece of this period of World War II, places and costumes buyers are an important part of the pre-production because it helps to establish a time frame in the movie. Then the output when the film was shot. Director of photography and film is contracted during pre-production, but more than likely if you're a film student or hobby move and shoot their own videos. After all that filmed it is time for post production, where the film was released in the final product. I recommend Final Cut Pro for Mac and Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe Creative Suite CC for editing.

If you are a student may hope for the theater department of your university for players looking for an experience. The crew probably consists friends or colleagues largest moviegoers. You may not be able to afford to pay his actors and crew, but do not forget to provide regular services to say the food and drinks to keep them happy. Something to think about with his film, especially if you have not paid for their agents or members of the crew, never trust talent. I can not tell you how many times players have not appeared in the days of shooting because they make the film a priority because it was essentially a voluntary service. You may need to remind his players that they are paid is more valuable than money: experience.

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