Sunday, April 19, 2015

LED Lighting for Video Production

Actually, there has been an increase in the number of video equipment using light emitting diodes (LEDs) for the digital video production. It came from the latest innovations in technology that allows the LEDs are relatively inexpensive. Although still a bit expensive, the prices are just a bit more traditional kit, which tungsten light. However, for all purposes, they can quickly recover the costs and lead to long-term savings.

We chose to use LEDs for many reasons. The first is that they are cheap. Although slightly more expensive than their tungsten counterparts, which use much less energy. LEDs use about 30 times less energy than regular bulbs, ie not only the lowest cost of energy, are more environmentally friendly and they put much less heat. This also makes them better for the environment is to last much longer than regular bulbs do not contain harmful chemicals. Normal bulbs that use threads dissolve over time and lasts only a few months heavy use. At the other end of the scale, LEDs last for years or even decades. It is also important portability and durability of these lamps. Because LEDs do not have filaments, which can withstand shock, vibration, heat, cold and much better than regular bulbs. They are also lighter and that means they can be packaged and transported shots foreign production, unlike ordinary lamps space-efficient games ,. For the study is an important element that shines: LED light panels very fast, which means no warm-up period without overheating.

In our last test with LED lights, the reception was very warm. The color will be issued in the form of securities is nice, but a little blue. You can not quickly dimmed light, there are switches that control parts of the panel is on. In our experience, these switches are ideal for the brightness of the scene quickly and reduce pressure on the eyes of customers. For a more realistic color filters are required. But one thing Note: Tungsten standard filters do not produce the same colors with LEDs. Therefore, some trial and error, with specialized filters, it may be necessary to produce what is necessary. To produce realistic color, we used a tone correction filter skin and CTO filters together. We found that the brightness produced by the lights, and corrects the blue. For filters, we offer LED Lee filter, as has been color corrected especially for LED kits. Another little feature is that the power lights are much shorter for use with an extension cord.

For years, people had to suffer under the hot lights that made the room unbearable. These new LED lights operate much cooler than you can put your right hand on the panel, it will still be cold to the touch. Considering how much more it is convenient to use and cost savings and heat, these lamps can defend with tungsten or better in their own right. These lights can show the world that uses only the latest technology.
Evan Jacques & Horacio Jones, About the authors:

Evan Jacques is a student at the Lycée Tech, Point Loma. He is currently working Viva Cinema credited for one academic year. He enjoys writing and has written numerous persuasive essays, articles and short stories for school and leisure.

Price winning director, Horace Jones, is also a leading producer and video editor who developed their skills for working with professional video first class in San Diego. Today Viva Cinema is a video production studios most famous in our city.

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