Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Complete Guide on Filming in Turkey

Because of its incredible diversity of geography and culture, Turkey is becoming increasingly popular as the most sought after location filming. Most international clients such as Russia and Eastern Europe are attracted to Turkey because of their traditional values. But many Western companies are more eager to film their destinations.

Recent years have seen an increase in the activity of producing local television and it is because of strong economic growth. This business growth of television production, in turn, leads to an increased need for investment in post-production equipment, cameras and improved crews. There is also a noticeable difference in quality and this is mainly due to the increase in production activities on national television.

Another important reason for the growing popularity of photography in Turkey due to its low cost location. Low-cost equipment, quality accommodation and cheap transportation infrastructure is useful for driving a low cost shooting environment in Turkey. Although the film industry is centered in Istanbul, home to many famous companies and production studios, making Turkey favorite film location. The availability of luxury hotels offering accommodation at half the speed compared to hotels in Europe also made Turkey an attractive place to shoot.

Necessary authorization: It is usually an easy task to get the necessary permits to film in Turkey, however, would have to plan well in advance and even weeks to get permission to leave. There are two types of permits: permission to cover public places in general, and also allows covering specific areas required.

Since the rules vary should pay particular attention to all the permits required to cover specific areas. Hiring a local fixer is one of the first things that most manufacturers do. This will speed up the permitting process. Because fasting is of Turkish origin, have a lot of knowledge about the disease and how to obtain easily. Keep practical shooting visas are also important and should be considered in advance that the visa processing can take a while.

One of the most famous studies that are eligible for shooting in Turkey is Istanbul Film Studies. It is a division of one of the largest business groups in Turkey called MT Holdings.

Being a large country bordering Greece, Bulgaria, Iran, Iraq, Georgia and Syria, Turkey, the ability to offer a variety of locations and climates including beautiful beaches, beautiful mountains, deserts, forests and exotic islands. Turkey can easily mimic a variety of other parameters as the famous mountains, places etc. Places in Turkey is a better option in terms of reduced funding.

Another very important factor is that places like Istanbul is a mix of classic and modern cultures and so filming in Turkey can be both exciting and offer diversity. If it's summer, fall, winter or spring pushes all year in Turkey.

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